Take a look at this years awards categories, and remember, you can submit nominations for as many of the below categories as you would like. 

To be in with the best chance of winning you must submit the best nomination you can. For guidance on how to submit your nomination click here

The CIPP Bright Beginnings Award

The CIPP Bright Beginnings Award is aimed at those new to the payroll, pensions and reward industry, within the last two years, or who are currently completing an apprenticeship. This award recognises an individual who has made a significant impact and contribution to their organisation within that time.

The recipient of this award does not have to be a member of the CIPP, but they do have to demonstrate evidence of their personal and professional development within the industry, in addition to the impact they have made to their organisation. All shortlisted nominees will be granted 12 months free membership, at either their current membership level at the time of winning, or associate membership if awarded to a non-member.

This category is now closed

To nominate in this category, provide up to 1000 words showing evidence of the following:

  • Personal and professional development which could include professional development plan, CPD log, appraisal documentation and certificates of achievement and completion
  • Evidence of impact made to the employing organisation including but is not restricted to:
  • Changes or improvements instigated and implemented by the individual with details of how the need for change was identified, actions taken by the individual and measurable benefits that have resulted from the change
  • Details of how the individual has adapted their day-to day work to utilise any new skills or training that they have gained
  • How the organisation has benefitted since the individual joined their organisation


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. At least one testimonial should be from the individual’s line manager, and all should be supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person providing the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this individual should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

The CIPP Spotlight Award

The CIPP Spotlight Award is open to anyone working in payroll, pensions and/or reward. This award will be presented to an individual who has shown themselves to be an outstanding professional and could be working at any level within the industry.

Judges will be looking for evidence that the individual has made a real impact or overcome adversity and have gone above and beyond what is expected of them in their ‘day job’.

This category is now closed

To nominate in this category, submit up to 1000 words explaining why this individual should receive the spotlight award this year. This could include:

  • Details of issues they have overcome, including creative or innovative solutions the individual used and any measurable benefits gained and/or risks avoided as a result of their actions;
  • Details of how the individual has balanced competing priorities such as studying, managing additional projects or training others whilst delivering an outstanding service in their regular role;
  • Details of improvements they have made to their employing organisation including what was done previously, how the individual identified the need for change, how the change was implemented and evaluated, the benefits gained from the change and measures of success within the organisation; And/or:
  • How the individual has supported peers through formal or informal training, mentoring or teamwork. This could include details of how they have gone over and above to boost morale, collaborate with others and raise the profile of their role or team within the organisation.

The recipient of this award does not have to be a member of the CIPP.


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. All testimonials should be supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person providing the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this individual should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

Software product of the year

This award is aimed at software products which are sold and supplied for companies to run their own payroll in-house. It will recognise an organisation that is committed to ensuring that its software is compliant, user friendly, enables best practice and is well supported.

The award itself will be given to the software product and the judges will be looking for what makes your product stand out compared to others who share your target market as well as how you embrace innovation.

This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1000 words showing evidence of the following:

Details of the software product

This section should provide product information and specifications, including:

  • Details of the target market
  • How the organisation is keeping up to date on legislative developments
  • How the organisation keeps its clients up to date on legislative developments, e.g. customer conferences and newsletters
  • Details of releases to clients, including frequency of releases
  • Reporting and analytical functionality
  • Evidence of other forms of customer support to clients, e.g. Intuitive system, helpline support etc.

Details of innovation

This section should include details of how you innovatively develop your software and differentiate from competitors, including but not limited to:

  • Details of what your product offers above your competitors
  • How you manage change and embrace new technology
  • How you maximise the benefits for your customers of your latest products


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. Testimonials should be from clients of the organisation and within the last 12 months, supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person supplying the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)
Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

In-house payroll team of the year

Team work is crucial to the success of any business. Employees should all be working towards one overall goal, or mission for the organisation, otherwise the organisation will fail.

This award recognises the in-house payroll team that has compelled their employer to recognise the important role that the department can play in improving the overall company performance, and not just perceive the department as a cost centre. 

This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1000 words showing evidence of the following:

Overview of the team

This section should provide the judges with a team overview and structure which demonstrates how the team works together to maximise individual skills and experience to deliver exceptional service at the employing organisation.

If you adopt any skills matrixes or professional development plans within your organisation they should be supplied as supporting evidence to strengthen your nomination; along with an organisation chart to show where payroll, pensions and/or reward sits within your organisation.

This section should also contain details of the payroll, pensions and/or reward function within the organisation:

  • How many employees are on the payroll?
  • How big is the team?
  • Pay frequency
  • Type of pension provided and contributions made by the organisation
  • Details of the benefits package available to employees and how this was identified and implemented within your organisation
  • Success of pay and reward strategies, measures of success could be such as cost and or resource savings or number taking up flexible benefits etc.
  • How has the team enhanced their profile within their organisation

Team projects

This section should explain any initiatives that the team has been involved in over and above their day to day responsibilities, which may have impacted positively on the organisation as a whole.

This could include:

  • Re-organisation of the department to better utilise the existing skills within the team
  • Streamlined communications within the team, and organisation as a whole, to improve customer service
  • Changes to processes and/or systems to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the department
  • Outsourcing certain functions to allow the department more time to focus on other aspects of their role and generate better results
  • KPIs


No more than three testimonials should be supplied. The judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. At least one testimonial should be from the person who has direct responsibility for the team, and all should be supplied on company letter head or email with contact details for the person providing the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

Payroll service provider of the year

Organisations turn to service providers to deliver compliant and efficient payroll services within their organisation and this award will be presented to the provider proven to demonstrate commitment to customer service and an effective and compliant payroll service.

This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1500 words showing evidence of the following:

Team overview

This section looks at the people behind the payroll and nominees should supply evidence of:

  • How the organisation keeps its payroll teams up to date including training and development, including how this is measured and reviewed
  • How performance within the payroll teams is managed and monitored including details of appraisal systems and how the effectiveness of the system is ensured
  • What accreditations has the service provider achieved, or are working towards, such as the Payroll Assurance Scheme, ISO and Investors in People
  • How big is the team?

Service overview

In this section the nominee should provide an overview of:

  • Details of services offered to clients and target audience served
  • What the service provider offers that differentiates them from competitors in the same market
  • How the provider communicates with clients, including frequency of communications
  • Additional value and support provided to clients through best practice initiatives and to help the clients keep up to date with legislation
  • How quality and consistency of service maintained
  • How customer service, satisfaction and retention is measured. How customer feedback is reviewed and complaints managed
  • How are the services offered reviewed and improved. How is the success of improvements monitored and measured over time
  • How are changes to services communicated to clients to deliver maximum benefits for the clients


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. Testimonials should be from clients of the organisation and within the last 12 months, supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person supplying the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

Well-being and employee engagement award

With an increasing focus on employee health and wellbeing, this award will recognise organisations who have introduced initiatives to improve the general health, wellbeing and/or financial awareness of their employees.

Judges will look for:

  • An innovative wellbeing strategy
  • A clear narrative that demonstrates why the strategy was implemented and how it is linked to broader business strategy
  • Evidence of success: return on investment and how it has strengthened the organisation - please use metrics, anecdotes, staff feedback, and case studies. Judges will mark highly entries that demonstrate how the strategy is linked to engagement and productivity levels
This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1000 words showing evidence of the following:

Overview of the health and wellbeing strategy

Here the judges will be looking for details of:

  • The organisations wellbeing strategy and how it fits with the overall corporate strategy at the organisation. The judges will be looking for evidence that the two are linked and that effective measures are in place to demonstrate the success of the health and wellbeing strategy.
  • What triggered the development of the strategy? What needs did it aim to address?
  • What collaboration was needed and how was this managed?
  • How is the success of the strategy monitored over time?

Overview of the benefits package available to employees

The judges will be looking for an innovative benefits package and details of how it is communicated and measured within the organisation. This section should include details of:

  • How the benefits package was identified?
  • What is the % take-up of benefits offered?
  • What impact has this had to staff morale/satisfaction/attendance?
  • What makes the package unique and/or how have you gone beyond other organisations?
  • How is success measured?


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. Testimonials should be from employees within the organisation, supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person supplying the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

Project of the year

Implementation of projects in payroll, pensions and reward is commonplace, and this award recognises the work involved in implementing a successful project.

The award can be won by either a project team who have been responsible for the project, or a project manager/consultant who led the change.

This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1000 words showing evidence of the following:

Overview of the project

Judges will be looking for details of the project:

  • What was the project?
  • Why was it undertaken?
  • How did the project leader/team identify the need for change including any measures or metrics used before and after the project?
  • What was the approach taken in managing this project? What project management techniques were used and were these suitable?
  • How was the project communicated internally?
  • Did the project require collaboration and, if so, how was this managed?
  • Timescales for implementation • How were setbacks overcome during the project?

Evidence of improvements made

Here the judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Has the organisation saved time/money since the project went live?
  • Has the project enabled the organisation to introduce new initiatives?
  • Has the project led to new business opportunities?
  • Has it led to an increase in customer satisfaction?
  • How did they approach lessons learned from the project?
  • How will the success of the project be reviewed and measured over time?

You should supply details of how improvements have been measured and KPIs to support your statements.


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. Testimonials should be from clients of the organisation and within the last 12 months, supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person supplying the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

The CIPP Luminary Award

The payroll, pensions and reward industry has many leaders who use their influence to advocate for the industry and drive change. They inspire others by mentoring, empowering, and supporting those around them.

The CIPP Luminary Award will celebrate and recognise an individual who has demonstrated leadership within their organisation or across the wider industry and has had a positive, inspirational impact on the career of others.

Judges will be looking for evidence that the individual has made a significant impact and has gone above and beyond what is expected of them in their ‘day job’.

This category is now closed

To nominate in this category, submit up to 1000 words explaining:

  • What change the individual has instigated or driven including how the need for change was recognised, what actions the individual took to implement the change and what measurable benefits resulted from the change
  • How has the individual advocated for the industry to raise the profile within their organisation and more widely and/or encouraged newcomers to join the industry
  • How have they inspired others including details of what they have done to support colleagues, how they shared knowledge and wisdom, and empowered their peers

The recipient of this award does not have to be a member of the CIPP.


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. All testimonials should be supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person providing the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this individual should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

International payroll service provider of the year

Organisations turn to service providers to deliver compliant and efficient payroll services within their organisation and this award will be presented to the provider proven to demonstrate commitment to customer service and an effective and compliant international payroll service.

This category is now closed


To nominate in this category, provide up to 1500 words showing evidence of the following:

Team overview

This section looks at the people behind the payroll and nominees should supply evidence of:

  • How the organisation keeps its payroll teams up to date including training and development, including how this is measured and reviewed
  • How performance within the payroll teams is managed and monitored including details of appraisal systems and how the effectiveness of the system is ensured
  • What accreditations has the service provider achieved, or are working towards, such as the Payroll Assurance Scheme, ISO and Investors in People

Service overview

In this section the nominee should provide an overview of:

  • Details of services offered to clients and target audience served
  • What the service provider offers that differentiates them from competitors in the same market
  • How the provider communicates with clients, including frequency of communications
  • Additional value and support provided to clients through best practice initiatives and to help the clients keep up to date with legislation • How quality and consistency of service maintained
  • How customer service, satisfaction and retention is measured. How customer feedback is reviewed and complaints managed
  • How are the services offered reviewed and improved. How is the success of improvements monitored and measured over time
  • How are changes to services communicated to clients to deliver maximum benefits for the clients


No more than three testimonials should be supplied; the judges will deduct marks for nominations which supply more than three testimonials. Testimonials should be from clients of the organisation and within the last 12 months, supplied on company letterhead or email with contact details for the person supplying the testimonial. All testimonials can be attached as one pdf document.

Nomination summary statement (maximum 150 words)

Briefly summarise your entry and highlight why this team should win. If your nomination is shortlisted, this summary will be published on the CIPP website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in the summary that you would not want to be shared in the public domain.

How to win an Annual Excellence Award

To give yourself the best chance at winning an Annual Excellence Award, follow our tips below.    

  1. Allow plenty of time to complete your nomination
    • It takes time to put a nomination together so make sure that you improve your chances by allowing plenty of time to do so and not leaving it until the last minute.
    • Take the time to consider how clear and concise your entry is to stay within the word limit and give your entry the best chance of standing out to the judges.
    • Entries must be submitted via the online platform by 31 July 2022.
  2. Focus on the criteria and evidence Make sure you meet each of the criteria outline for the award.
    • Ensure you provide evidence of how you have met the criteria to attain higher scores from the judges.  The winning nomination is, quite simply, the nomination with the highest score at the end of the process.
    • You can attach up to three supporting documents in PDF format. But be sure that they add to your nomination.
    • Avoid adding unnecessary information that the judges will need to sift through to find your point.
  3. Have a great summary statement
    • You should write your summary state last to be sure it covers everything contained in your nomination. It needs to be succinct.Remember, the Annual Excellence Awards get lots of nominations.
    • Use your summary to stand out from the competition.